CAIR Spreads Message to Government Officials at Michigan Event

by editor on July 1, 2010

in 2010,IO - Elected Officials,IO - Federal Agencies,IO - Islamophobia,IO - State/Local Government,Michigan

Political Influence Operation

Date: July 1, 2010


Yesterday, Michigan’s chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) cosponsored a town hall meeting in which panelists heard testimony from CAIR officials regarding racial and religious profiling in the United States. In addition to community organizers and civil rights activists, two governmental officials were also present to hear testimony; Barbara McQuade– the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan–and Rashida Tlaib–a Michigan State Representative.

CAIR-MI Executive Director, Dawud Walid, said the following of the event,

We welcome such opportunities to engage high ranking Justice Department officials and civil rights advocates to ensure public safety within our communities without compromising the civil rights and dignity of vulnerable minority groups.



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