Online Resources

Since CAIR’s inception, American investigative journalists such as Steven Emerson (Investigative Project on Terrorism) and scholars such as Daniel Pipes (Middle East Forum) have followed CAIR’s activities and attempted to expose them to the public, media and policymakers.

After 9/11 this group of investigative reporters grew to include numerous online journalists.  Leading investigators were Joe Kaufman (CAIR Watch), Andrew Whitehead (Anti-CAIR), Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch), and the team of experts at the NEFA Foundation.

By 2007 this growing group of researchers expanded to include the Department of Justice prosecutors in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism finance trial.  Adding their voices were radio journalists such as Michael Savage and a growing group of lawyers including Daniel Horowitz, David Yerushalmi, the Legal Project at the Middle East Forum, the Thomas More Law Center and Reed Rubinstein, whose 2006 victory against CAIR in the Andrew Whitehead case set the stage for further legal investigation.

Many sites have contributed to documenting the activities of CAIR.  We will continue to add sites and we welcome your recommendations.  The sites below were selected because they:

  1. Are specifically dedicated to CAIR, and/or
  2. Have unique reports about CAIR, and/or
  3. Have archives of comprehensive coverage on CAIR

(In Alphabetical Order)

ACT! for America


Founder: Brigitte Gabriel

In her book They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It author Brigitte Gabriel presents extensive evidence of the incursion of Muslim Brotherhood and similar organizations into American organizations and government.  Gabriel is founder of Act for America, the fast-growing nationwide grassroots citizen action network with over 80,000 members and 380 chapters, committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.   The Act for America website, teleconferences, email updates and action alerts provide focused, pragmatic actions that American citizens can take to protect America’s freedom and security.

Anti-CAIR: In Defense of the Constitution


Founder: Andrew Whitehead

On March 31, 2004 CAIR filed a $1.35 million libel suit against Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR (ACAIR), because he called CAIR a “terrorist front organization,” that was “founded by Hamas supporters,” and was working to “make radical Islam the dominant religion in the United States.”  In April 2006 CAIR and Whitehead settled out of court and the lawsuit was dismissed.  The terms of the settlement are confidential. However, no apology was issued, no retraction or corrections made, and the statements that triggered CAIR’s suit remain on the ACAIR website.  The website was one of the first to investigate CAIR and to provide original documentation and analysis to American researchers.  It continues to be a comprehensive database of news on CAIR, presented mostly chronologically (just scroll down).   In addition to the legal documents provided from the Whitehead lawsuit and other lawsuits involving CAIR, the profiles of CAIR leaders are detailed and well-researched.  The latest news about CAIR is featured at the top of the homepage and updated daily.

CAIR Watch (Americans Against Hate)


Founder: Joe Kaufman

CAIR Watch has a thorough and carefully researched Profiles section featuring valuable information about dozens of CAIR associates.  The CAIR Watch Honorees page highlights politicians and other officials, both Democrat and Republican, who have publicly stood up to CAIR.  Joe Kaufman was assailed for his writings in 2007 when seven Dallas-area Muslim organizations filed a lawsuit and restraining order against his organization Americans Against Hate (AAH).  The suit was dismissed in 2009.  Kaufman was one of the first investigative journalists to bring CAIR’s activities to public scrutiny.

Daniel Pipes


Daniel Pipes has been investigating and writing about the Council on American-Islamic Relations since the 1990’s.  For a crash course read his brief 2003 introduction to the topic “CAIR: ‘Moderate’ friends of terror,” a longer 2006 study “CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment,” a bibliography of CAIR, and his reply to CAIR’s personal attack on him.  Pipes has also kept a running commentary of “CAIR Miscellany” on his blog since March 2004.  Pipes provides careful and thorough analysis and research on CAIR’s doctrines, methodologies and activities.

Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report


The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report sifts through a large variety of news and other sources each day in order to identify the most relevant developments regarding Muslim Brotherhood groups.  GMBDR analysts bring decades of experience in research and investigation for major NGO’s, government agencies, and international media in the U.S. and Europe with a special expertise in ideological movements.  GMBDR has many reports and articles about CAIR.  Most importantly they provide crucial insight into CAIR’s activities in the context of the Muslim Brotherhood’s broader goals in the United States.

Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)


Founder: Steven Emerson

Founded in 1995, the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has warned about the infiltration of Islamist groups in America long before the national consciousness awoke to the threat after 9/11.  IPT maintains an extensive collection of legal documents related to cases of terrorist finance and ideology in the United States.  IPT’s video and audio archives include several CAIR-related clips including the infamous March 1994 Barry University appearance in which CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad declared his support for the Hamas movement.  They also provide detailed dossiers on Nihad Awad and Former CAIR-Tampa Director Ahmed Bedier.  The IPT released the  report “CAIR Exposed”, considered the foundation and benchmark for research on CAIR, in installments beginning in March 2008.  Click here for a chronological list of IPT’s recent writings about CAIR.  The Investigative Project on Terrorism has unique access to government officials and researchers, and it sets the standard for investigative journalism on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and jihadists  in America.

Jihad Watch


Director: Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the author of ten books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Truth About Muhammad and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam.  Jihad Watch’s thousands of articles includes the equivalent of an online encyclopedia of articles about CAIR.  An archive of his most recent Jihad Watch posts on CAIR can be found here.   Spencer’s 2008 best-seller Stealth Jihad exposes the covert efforts of Muslim Brotherhood front groups as a loosely organized movement whose activists are well funded, highly motivated, and relentless in pursuit of their agenda.

Muslim Mafia by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry

The Book


Published in 2009 by WND Books, Muslim Mafia is a groundbreaking book based on a 6 month undercover investigation at CAIR’s national headquarters in Washington, DC.  David Gaubatz’s son Chris posed as a Muslim convert and became an intern at CAIR, gaining access to thousands of insider documents that tie CAIR conclusively to the Muslim Brotherhood network in the United States.  In November 2009, the U.S. Government filed a motion under seal resulting in agents from the FBI serving the Gaubatzes’ attorneys with a grand jury subpoena demanding the records for an apparent  investigation of CAIR.

The Continuing Investigation


Keep up with the latest developments at the authors’ official website.  Their next major project, the Muslim Mafia Tour, will begin in April 2010.  Researchers will travel throughout the U.S., U.K., and Canada to bring “fresh intelligence” to the public. The results will be published daily at the website.

Published by World Net Daily Books:


NEFA Foundation


President: M. T. Hayes

The NEFA team is comprised of experienced investigators, researchers, analysts, and partners in the U.S. and abroad who have access to a worldwide network of sources and information. The multi-lingual team has decades of experience in investigating terrorism and terrorist financing, global communications, and cyber-terrorism.The NEFA Foundation is a vast repository of documents related to counterjihad legal cases as well as translated media from terrorist groups worldwide.  They host a comprehensive collection of documents relating to the U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding case which identified CAIR as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in 2007.

Sperry Files


Founder: Paul Sperry

Sperry authored the foundational book Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington in 2005 and co-authored the CAIR expose Muslim Mafia with David Gaubatz in 2009.  His “Supporting Documents” page is an important repository of financial and governmental documents pertaining to CAIR and other Islamist groups in the United States.  His books and his website are highly respected references for other investigators and researchers.