CAIR accuses town board of Sidney, NY of anti-Muslim sentiments

by associate editor on October 14, 2010

in 2010,IO - Elected Officials,IO - Islamophobia,IO - Law Enforcement,IO - State/Local Government,New York

Political Influence Operation

Date: October 14, 2010


The town board of a Sidney, NY, a small town 130 miles north of New York City, questioned the legality of a muslim graveyard. After pressure from the muslim community, the town dropped legal actions and allowed the Sufi Muslim group to maintain the graveyard.

“We believe that it is no coincidence that this group was being asked to exhume the remains of its deceased members from the cemetery at a time when anti-Muslim sentiment has spread across the nation,” said CAIR-NY’s Civil Rights director Aliya Latif. “We call on the town supervisor Robert McCarthy to publicly apologize to the Muslim community and the families of the deceased for seeking to dig up the bodies of those that rest at this burial site.”


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