CAIR Asks Attorney General Eric Holder to Investigate ‘Islamophobic’ Activity

by editor on June 16, 2010

in 2010,IO - Federal Agencies,IO - Islamophobia,Video

Political Influence Operation

Date: June 16, 2010


CAIR has expressed its concerns for what it perceives to be a growing trend of Islamophobia on the part of the local law enforcement and federal agencies. To combat such behavior, CAIR has repeatedly taken strides to influence the behavior of such agencies. Indeed, just last week, CAIR released a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding the return of those American Muslim citizens whom have been barred from returning home after their trips overseas. Specifically, the letter criticizes the FBI’s use of pressure tactics and “extraordinary rendition.”

At a June 16th press conference, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad described the letter he sent to the Attorney General,

I wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday asking him to investigate these serious allegations. And that he should take all remedial actions that are neccessary based on the results of his investigation. We also asked the Department of Justice to allow Americans to return home, and if there are any reasons to charge them with anything, they should be first investigated where they can mantain their rights…

Awad’s full statement can be viewed below.


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