CAIR Calls Upon Authorities to Probe ‘Islamophobic’ Incident in Tennessee

by editor on June 24, 2010

in 2010,IO - Federal Agencies,IO - Islamophobia,IO - Law Enforcement,IO - State/Local Government

Political Influence Operation

Date: June 24, 2010


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called upon local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to view the June 24th vandalism of a Tennessee mosque as a hate crime. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad has “attributed such behavior to the overall rise of Islamophobic sentiment in American society.”

Specifically, Awad said the following regarding the incident,

 Because of the hate-filled and un-American opponents of the planned mosques expansion, it is essential that a possible bias motive for this latest act of vandalism be investigated. The hostile sentiments expressed in a recent public hearing on the proposed mosque reflect ignorance of the basic tenets of Islam.

In response to this percieved rise in ‘Islamophobia,’  CAIR has suggested that American Muslim individuals and institutions review the CAIR produced “Muslim Community Safety Kit.”



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