CAIR outlines foreign policy and national security agenda for U.S. on anniversary of Obama Cairo speech

by editor on June 4, 2010

in 2010,IO - Elected Officials,IO - Federal Agencies,IO - Foreign Policy,IO - Iraq,IO - Israel,IO - Military,IO - National Security

Political Influence Operation

Date: June 4, 2010


On June 4 CAIR held a press conference in Washington, D.C. offering a “mixed review” of the Obama administration’s policies toward the Muslim world in the year since the president delivered a landmark speech to the Muslim world in Cairo.  Executive Director Nihad Awad expressed concern that “national security issues are being used as a cover for the erosion of American Muslim civil liberties.”  The CAIR statement also called on the president to nominate members of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board and push Congress to pass the End Racial Profiling Act, and also urged the Department of Justice to update its 2005 report on the FBI’s use of confidential informants.

On the international front Awad decried the “escalating” violence of U.S. operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan saying that “We should address the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan based on a reduction in our nation’s intervention and on increased support for indigenous solutions.” Awad also called on the government to “demand” an end to Israel’s blockade of Gaza.



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